Oh no, not again!

The Rubber Chicken having his revenge was so improbable that he was turned into a bowl of lemons wrapped around a large gold brick. Afterwards, when being interviewed by the Leopard, he was heard to say, "Oh no, not again!"

Monday, February 28, 2005

The search is on again.

The speaker for the dead wishes to know the true identity of the Lilybee.

I know this because I was asked today for the name of the author of Time of Ice. Gently sidestepping that little trick and accepting the battle of wits that has thus been declared... I shall await further updates.

But I do know how he feels - as I did not so long ago search for the identity of Poly Poultry and before that The Addict, Q and back in the beginning - the Lilybee herself. Ah the wonders of not being able to see the wood for the trees (hint hint).

Ok, back to work I must go.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Seek HELP.

In the beggining (or so I am told) there was a word.
There were not mouths to speak it nor ears to hear it.
But somehow there was a word.

And as the people knew not how to hear this word they did try to speak a new word - HELP.
But as they had no mouths through which to resonate noise, they could not ask for HELP.
Then they tried telepathy - HELP they beamed across the galaxy, seeking assistance. But they had no minds with which to think.

And so did the word look down upon the lesser vowels and say...

"... You cannot think, therefore you cannot be!"

{Authors note: if you understand this - seek HELP immediately.}

Friday, February 18, 2005

Radio Fame!

Greetings to all AA members (and also recognising affiliation with previous CRAP members)

Jiblets, it would appear, has become famous.

Waking up this morning to 774 breakfast, Melbourne radio, I heard my name raised in discussion with a person from the Macquarie dictionary regarding the possible inclusion of the word Alektrabutryphobia in the dictionary.

After a discussion that ran for about 5 minutes after the 7am news bulletin...

One of my local friends has sent a congratulatory phone message.
One of my colleagues has complained about having to hear my name on her morning drive to work. (oh well, half - half so far ain't too bad)

We await further developments. Transcript to follow when I can get a copy from the radio station.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Well, it is time again for some blogging thereapy.

For some reason, I was feeling total S#!T this morning. Instead of my usual course of action - physical activity - I decided to resort to thinking about conspiracy theories somehow centred around my two areas of expertise: Mathematics and Philosophy.

Granted, not an easy thing to do...

The number SEVEN has always struck me as very odd, so now I shall provide you all with some of my reasons behind this belief. Let me know what you think.

Seven Days of the Week:

(I don't need to name them do I???)

Seven Deadly Sins:


Seven Holy Virtues:


Seven Wonders of the world:

Colossus of Rhodes
Hanging gardens of Babylon
Pharos of Alexandria
Pyramids of Egypt
Statue of Zeus
Temple of Artemis
Tomb of Mausolus

And now for some slightly more bizarre ones (yes, I am an odd individual)

7 of the 12 Zodiac signs are animals:

Pisces (fish)
Taurus (bull)
Aries (ram)
Scorpio (scorpion)
Cancer (crab)
Leo (lion)
Capricorn (goat)

And seven of the zodiac symbols are symmetric (just trust me!)

Cancer (different type of symmetry, granted, but symmetry nonetheless)

The properties of 1/7th as a decimal are also interesting, but to discuss them here would probably drive a few people insane!

May you all continue to enjoy the company of chickens.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Alektrobutryphyliacs Anonymous

After my previous venture (Chicken Readers Appreciation Program - CRAP) was not particularly successful - OK not at all... I have decided upon a new venture.

Alektrobutryphyliacs Anonymous is not a support group for people who fantasise about rubber chickens - that would be worse than... well not much really, but rather we AA members seek to punish all Alektrobutryphobics (please realise the difference!) by subjecting them to cunning and fiendishly clever protests. Right now I am planning the inaugural Sleep In - where lovers of rubber chickens are invited to stay in bed on the weekends rather than go shopping to feed their families or do the housework.

Another idea is the CCC (Chicken's Celebrity Chuckle) where Jiblets himself and perhaps Le Poulet in a cameo role will perform their not-yet-famous lie down comedy routine.

Any takers?

Oh well, I try.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Welcome back.

Technical difficulties aside, it looks as though everything MAY be in order again.

There have been some ENORMOUS problems behind the scenes which are unfortunately un resolved and the dear computer that served me so loyally for about seven years has moved on to a new owner (I decided donation rather than throwing in anger through another glass window was the better course of action - although I was very tempted...)

Some new piccies up - most are self-explanatory I hope.

And a working internet connection once again means... Vladamir is back in town.

Puss Puss looks for her breakfast

Mornings in Pheasant Creek. Posted by Hello


Name this 'pet' Posted by Hello

Despite the fact that PussPuss (her real name...) looks and sounds like a sheep, she seems to prefer the company of humans and the taste of chicken flavoured chips to grass... Anyone keen to volunteer an explanation?

Jiblets and 'Friends'