Oh no, not again!

The Rubber Chicken having his revenge was so improbable that he was turned into a bowl of lemons wrapped around a large gold brick. Afterwards, when being interviewed by the Leopard, he was heard to say, "Oh no, not again!"

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Seek HELP.

In the beggining (or so I am told) there was a word.
There were not mouths to speak it nor ears to hear it.
But somehow there was a word.

And as the people knew not how to hear this word they did try to speak a new word - HELP.
But as they had no mouths through which to resonate noise, they could not ask for HELP.
Then they tried telepathy - HELP they beamed across the galaxy, seeking assistance. But they had no minds with which to think.

And so did the word look down upon the lesser vowels and say...

"... You cannot think, therefore you cannot be!"

{Authors note: if you understand this - seek HELP immediately.}


At February 23, 2005 at 5:00 PM, Blogger lilybee said...

Hope the author plans to take his own advice and seek HELP or is this yet another strange anacronym for something equally bizarre. One does tend to wonder whether an overindulgence of organic chemicals in the sole company of oneself does this to one.

At March 14, 2005 at 1:50 PM, Blogger Luci said...

Help. Does highlight a problem that has been compunding for a while. 6 months they told me. It is a week or so off that time and there has been no sign of the problem decreasing, so I will ask the question. How do I get you out of my head?


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