Oh no, not again!

The Rubber Chicken having his revenge was so improbable that he was turned into a bowl of lemons wrapped around a large gold brick. Afterwards, when being interviewed by the Leopard, he was heard to say, "Oh no, not again!"

Friday, December 31, 2004

Six by Nine

Does anyone recognise this..?

A special prize will have to be awarded to the first person who can CORRECTLY (think carefully abour the context...) answer the question. I may have to immediately disqualify Lilybee just to give everyone else a chance though!

Monday, December 27, 2004

The (not so) Dirty Angel

This is how the statue would look if viewed correctly....

The (rather) Dirty Angel

Although... when viewed from this angle... it is little wonder how the statue acquired the title of Dirty Angel. Come and check it out for yourself - Jiblets did. Warrnambool, West Victoria.

Into the festive season...

Greetings one and all.

After disappearing for a few weeks (and consuming plenty of Pimms) Jiblets and I have returned to provide you all with some 'Post Christmas' entertainment.

Which brings me on to rant and rave point number one (it's been a while, much venting of spleen may occur): WHY IS THERE NO LONGER A GAP BETWEEN CHRISTMAS SALES AND POST CHRISTMAS SALES??? I mean, we all know hoe commercial our great religious festival has become at the hands of (apologies here) stupid people but do we really need that, "Oh the gift giving frenzy is over... so the shops have all dropped their prices... so we CAN KEEP SHOPPING!!!" Uh huh?

And while on the subject of CHRISTmas, I know literacy rates are falling in our population (JW, please feel free to correct me on this) but do we have to pretend - perhaps to avoid OFFENDING people - that we cannot remember whose birthdfay we are celebrating??? Oh, we just celebrate the birth of X. SO we shall forever call it XMAS now. Hmmm... fine.

Impatience is what it all comes down to (perhaps) like asking someone to wait five minutes when you are performing micro-surgery on a very large database. That went down like a glass of warm vinegar! I guess I should breath a sigh of relief though: at least no one will try to nail me to a tree for suggesting it would be a good idea to be nice to people for a change. Something has changed in the last 2000 years atleast, beyond the advent of digital watches...

On the off chance that there are some fans of HHGTTG out there, the references were quite deliberate. But don't be worried about my current state of aggression... I am afterall...


Stay tuned for the Jiblets holiday scrap-book - including the famous DIRTY ANGEL...

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The Eye Test.

After failing his eye test, Jiblets has had his flying lisence revoked.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Worplace safety.

Jiblets takes a keen interest in saftety issues nowadays.Posted by Hello

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Finding comfort in a new friend.

Finally finding solace in a new friend. Posted by Hello

Enjoying a drink?

Jiblets was Learning to cope with no hands. Posted by Hello

Chicken Devil??

Jiblets likes hot chips...

Jiblets gets back to his lunch.

The Chooks Cook Book.

Jiblets didn't like this book. Posted by Hello

AN unpopular menu...

He found the menu distasteful. Posted by Hello

Chicken and Chips

Chicken and Chips Posted by Hello

Swept Away

Jiblets rides a broom accross the floor.