Oh no, not again!

The Rubber Chicken having his revenge was so improbable that he was turned into a bowl of lemons wrapped around a large gold brick. Afterwards, when being interviewed by the Leopard, he was heard to say, "Oh no, not again!"

Monday, November 29, 2004

The Party with Plenty of Pimms.

There has been a long tradition in our family, strangely enough relating to the consumption of alcohol. At major celebrations, for as long as any of us can remember (and probably dating back to our English heritage) copious amounts of Pimms number 1 cup are served to all and sundry. For those unfamiliar with the tradition of Pimms, please allow me to explain.

Pimms is a brown, gin based spirit that contains numerous fermented fruits and smells rather like English Christmas cake. It is served with Ginger Ale, Lemonade and Soda Water and garnished with a skewer that holds a glace cherry, slice of orange and a piece of cucumber peel. The remainder of the cucumber (for those really up with English tradition) is made into cucumber sandwiches.

By the end of Saturday afternoon, Mr Vett and I must have served approximately sixty litres of this brilliant drink - you see Pimms does not taste alcoholic in the slightest while being quite... potent (?) so the guests don't know they're getting drunk and suddenly wonder why they are all talking to eachother in such a friendly manner. Of course we did have one small problem when we actually ran out of the spirit and had to find someone sober enough to make the journey for more... but that is not a story I shall recount here.

Jiblets says: "May the Pimms be always in your hand this summer, and fly safely if you have the privelidge (rubber chickens only fly when propelled by unfriendly guests)"

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Say it with Flowers (Part II)

Perhaps in response (partially) to a post I wrote long ago about the conventions of giving gifts of flowers, the bouquet pictured arrived on my desk Monday morning from Lilybee. The accompanying card was half apologetic and half thankful, the gesture was thoroughly appreciated and I just want to go on record as saying there is NOTHING WRONG with giving flowers to a male of the species (unless they have severe hayfever, in which case you should stick to wine!)

Monday, November 22, 2004

A friendly tribute.

There exists at least two people who check back to this blog with loyal regularity. It is a genuine pity they cannot know eachother in real life, as I have no doubt they would become the firmest of friends.

Recently, I published and then deleted a post specifically meant for a blogger known as Lilybee. Another blogger, the Lioness had good reason to complain about the detatched nature of this posting. So here I am, making some feeble attempt to fill in a large number of gaps.

I met Lilybee in January of this year, having geographically relocated myself for employment purposes. While we were both mathematically inclined people, it was initially a common interest in Brittish Science Fiction (such as Dr Who - if I remember correctly) that had us engaged in a rather lengthy discussion at the staff barbecue. Very Australian way to start the year, a back yard barbie (not to be confused with the doll, all ye Americans out there!)

Since that time I have grown to know Lilybee much better (it is amazing how reading 400 odd pages of their manuscript can give you some insight into the imaginative workings of a persons mind...) and we have become firm allies in the fight against cruelty to rubber chickens and other novelty toys such as purple unicorns - but (s)he is yet to fall victim to any of Moriaty's cold hearted deeds. While on the topic of Moriaty... his manner has improved enormously of late and while I am well pleased with the changes, I do wonder what has been the cause. Other people are starting to complain of his actions and attitude a bit here and there, so perhaps it has been a mere shift in focus.

But back to Lilybee. After a number of Jiblets kidnapping incidents, anonymous letters began to arrive in support of his silent protest, always signed by a being known as Polymer Poultry. The original letter has been reproduced on this blog, for those who are truly interested.

To cut a very long story short (involving many bluffs and counter bluffs - I love intellectual sparring) it eventually turned out that Lilybee was the human secretary for Poly Poultry. Initially she flat denied it. The very next day an apologetic letter to Vladamir and a gift (as pictured below) appeared. The message was something along the lines of 'if you can find it in yourself to forgive me...' This remark requires a response.

So to the Lilybee: your ego may have been bruised by Poly's unmasking, but your dignity and honour should rightfully remain in tact. Quite simply there is nothing for me to forgive as - for my mind - you have done nothing dishonourable. Granted, perhaps a flat denial was not the best response at the time, but everyone is entitled to make oversights and outright mistakes if they have the courage to admit them. Your actions throughout the year have continually reinforced your position in my mind as a trustworthy individual with a sophisticated sense of humour and an honourable sense of duty. As to the comments made on friday when we had both consumed litre upon litre of fermented grape juice... If we leave the exact details in the past, I should be very greatful to you for the underlying sentiment.

With the kindest of regards, and hoping you enjoy the new keyring, Dear Lilybee.

Sorry for the blurry image!

This actually reads: CONFIDENTIAL - read this and I will have to kill you.

I found it remarkably amusing, thus adding it to my saturday shopping list. Rubber stamps, rubber chickens... anyone would think I like rubber - and no, this does not extend to my cooking skills.

Explanation to follow.

I found these odd looking keyrings the other day and decided that they were worth having. If any Jiblets enthusiasts wish to truly display their loyalty, please email my secretary for details of the easiest method of acquiring one.

Poly Poultry gives in.

Polymer Poultry has finally admitted defeat in the noble struggle of wits. Upon discussion, Jiblets has decreed that the correspondance may continue on the condition that no human ever comes to know the true identity of Poly - the Lioness was perhaps a suitable exception to this rule.

Jiblets finds a new friend.

Jiblets has found a new friend. Posted by Hello

Friday, November 19, 2004

And never the two shall meet?

One of the problems with split personality disorder (I have been told) occurs when the two personalities begin to clash with eachother.

Allow me to extrapolate (or interpolate for the more mathematically proper) Suppose Joseph Bloggs is one person who acts in two totally different manners depending on the situation. For clarity sake, I shall call them profile A and profile B. Now Profile A is the default Joe Bloggs, everyone knows these personality traits - although they may not fully understand sometimes - but generally all is fine. Personailty B is very introverted. This is not shyness but a simple desire to remain hidden unless properly understood OR the possibility of being properly understood exists. Fine, you are now not understanding me at all... so I shall continue.

Now Joe has lived in several places and known lots of people. In everyday life, he interacts (personality A) with a number of people. He invites his girlfriend of four years (who knows him as personality B) to visit for birthday celebrations, shall we say. This woman who is used to personality B is suddenly presented with personality A through meeting and speaking to a number of people who know Joe professionally. The woman is suitably confused and reacts in a rather negative fashion (By the way, the only real difference between A and B is the level of introversion or extraversion in this case) Because of a number of issues, the relationship ends quite spectacularly. People were amazed how quickly personality A seemed to recover from this situation - personality B knew it was unavoidable six months beforehand, perhaps the reason for the move.

Now... what happens to Joe a year later when hints of personality B are inadvertantlty leaked to people who know Joe exclusively as personality A... the repurcussions of the former incident were long reaching - hopefully there is some way of avoiding this a second time.

To those of you who have read this babble without any idea of the hidden inferences, I thankyou for your loyalty. To the rest of you... I guess the issue rests with you - do as you think best.

Kindest regards

May you live long and squeeze plenty of Chickens.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

It's times like these...

Posted by Hello
Schnitzel was leaving soon, so Jiblets 'stuck' him a parting gift...

Jiblets' new view of the world.

Posted by Hello

Having read all my books and magizines, Jiblets tries some wireless netsurfing. He quickly discovers that the keyboard is a bit far away...


What is happening here? (Prizes available...) Posted by Hello

A new Ally

Bantam of the Opera Posted by Hello

Any excuse for a party...

My students baked me a cake! Posted by Hello

We're back!

Fear not all members of the Chicken Readers Appreciation Program - the CRAP has hit the fan once more and we are blogging again!

I am quite relieved to speak of this news; although I wonder how many of Jiblet's former loyalists will be visiting here regularly seeking news updates on the ever growing tensions between the Dutch rubber chicken Count Vladamir von Jiblets or the notoriously evil French chicken Le Poulet!

Irrespective of whether Lilybee, the Lioness or even my esteemed fellow the Baked Turkey... Q if you leave me any rude comments without prior warning I will do many things to your inbox!

But we are back.

I have many updates regarding Polymer Poultry (not Moriaty as it turns out...) I still have not confirmed their true identiy, but a trap has been set to test my final theory. At 4pm today, the trap was still set - perhaps I have been outwitted once again? Regardless, I have the gravest doubts that PP knows of the re-emergence of this website, so I feel quite free discussing said matters.

Let me know if you are still out there, dear friends of von Jiblets... he misses you all very dearly.