Oh no, not again!

The Rubber Chicken having his revenge was so improbable that he was turned into a bowl of lemons wrapped around a large gold brick. Afterwards, when being interviewed by the Leopard, he was heard to say, "Oh no, not again!"

Sunday, August 08, 2004

The Procrastination Paradox.

Besides Rubber Chickens and Rubik's Cube, the main tool I employ when needing to undertake some serious procrastination is philosophy. Such is the nature of philosophy that you can question anything and it is warranted, "why is the sky blue" could be posed as a valid philosophical question and then, choosing to ignore the science you studdied while drinking your way through university, you could respond (in your best matter-of-fact voice) "because if it were red, the schizophrenics would have to wear sunglasses every day."

Granted, this is an incredibly unlikely explanation that contains internal inconsidtencies larger than our national debt, but it would be a genuinely intriguing mental exercise to try and support this contention with logic or other philosophical tools. The hours that one could spend weighing up the Pros and Cons (such as Progress and Congress - ah, had to get that one in somewhere!) would result in it being time to go to work before you even finished your dinner; which wouldn't bother me as my housemate is going through a sausage phase - he bought about 50 snags on friday night and, although I'm not one to avoid a BBQ, finding new ways to cook and eat sausages does become a bit difficult after four days. I'm sure he'll be back to the curry phase by tuesday... mental note to self, buy toilet paper before tuesday.

Where was I? Ah yes, procrastination. If there was an award for procrastination, I think we'd still be holding the first event. But I digress. It was suggested to me this evening by a fellow intellectual that procrastination is somewhat of a catch 22 situation (if you are not familiar with the phrase catch 22 DO NOT read the book, you will have even less of an idea afterwards - it is a very good book though) Yes... catch 22... ah, as procrastination is loosely defined by most people as the act of putting off a task until tomorrow while these same people are apt users of the catch (not 22) phrase 'tomorrow never comes' then logical deduction tells us that either (1) procrastination is the act of putting off something indefinitely or (2) Procrastination cannot occur because the key definitions contain internal logical inconsitencies. Hmm... I shall have to procrastinate on this somewhat.

May you live long and squeeze plenty of rubber chickens.


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