Oh no, not again!

The Rubber Chicken having his revenge was so improbable that he was turned into a bowl of lemons wrapped around a large gold brick. Afterwards, when being interviewed by the Leopard, he was heard to say, "Oh no, not again!"

Friday, November 19, 2004

And never the two shall meet?

One of the problems with split personality disorder (I have been told) occurs when the two personalities begin to clash with eachother.

Allow me to extrapolate (or interpolate for the more mathematically proper) Suppose Joseph Bloggs is one person who acts in two totally different manners depending on the situation. For clarity sake, I shall call them profile A and profile B. Now Profile A is the default Joe Bloggs, everyone knows these personality traits - although they may not fully understand sometimes - but generally all is fine. Personailty B is very introverted. This is not shyness but a simple desire to remain hidden unless properly understood OR the possibility of being properly understood exists. Fine, you are now not understanding me at all... so I shall continue.

Now Joe has lived in several places and known lots of people. In everyday life, he interacts (personality A) with a number of people. He invites his girlfriend of four years (who knows him as personality B) to visit for birthday celebrations, shall we say. This woman who is used to personality B is suddenly presented with personality A through meeting and speaking to a number of people who know Joe professionally. The woman is suitably confused and reacts in a rather negative fashion (By the way, the only real difference between A and B is the level of introversion or extraversion in this case) Because of a number of issues, the relationship ends quite spectacularly. People were amazed how quickly personality A seemed to recover from this situation - personality B knew it was unavoidable six months beforehand, perhaps the reason for the move.

Now... what happens to Joe a year later when hints of personality B are inadvertantlty leaked to people who know Joe exclusively as personality A... the repurcussions of the former incident were long reaching - hopefully there is some way of avoiding this a second time.

To those of you who have read this babble without any idea of the hidden inferences, I thankyou for your loyalty. To the rest of you... I guess the issue rests with you - do as you think best.

Kindest regards

May you live long and squeeze plenty of Chickens.


At November 19, 2004 at 10:39 AM, Blogger Lioness said...

I fully empathise with both personality A and B. How could I not. I should think P.A is a must if P.B is not to go batty. Speaking for myself anyhow. I see the other post's been taken down. I, the chicken's MOST fervent fan know that one day my patience - of which I actually have VERY LITTLE - will be rewarded. Again, DO NOT DARE DISAPPEAR. Chicken.Must.Stay. And you as well. For knights are scarce, we know, but needed.

At November 20, 2004 at 3:07 PM, Blogger lilybee said...

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At November 20, 2004 at 7:13 PM, Blogger lilybee said...

Having regained some ability to think, (the wonders of modern drugs, thank God for panadol) I find yet again your ability to pre empt me, to be verging on the borders of downright frightening. In the vain thought of trying to put forward some form of apology, I finally got around to checking out the latest entry, to find that it somewhat echoes my own dilemma. Ah, the virtues of not having to face the music directly,though I fully realise the need to face the consequences of my actions.Later. Hope the list of apologiers is not going to need a book to write down. Regardless. At leat Joe seems to have some knowledge of both A and B. And I suppose that those knowing the A would have a better chance of accepting the B, a quiet thoughtful side is always a refreshing change. But I know of a Joanne who has discovered a similar situation with rudely finding that a B exists when she had no idea of its existence.

At November 20, 2004 at 7:13 PM, Blogger lilybee said...

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At November 20, 2004 at 7:13 PM, Blogger lilybee said...

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At November 20, 2004 at 7:23 PM, Blogger lilybee said...

And yet again I find the need for apologies. This is getting to be a very bad habit. So where is the damnable little trash can that is supposed to allow for deletion of comment? And there is no hidden meaning beind a triplicate publication, just a very slow reaction time at this end that made me think that I had missed something. Circumstances have again shown me the error of misguided thinking.

At November 21, 2004 at 5:58 PM, Blogger Beleobus said...

I see you like changing your mind then - all the 'this post has been removed by the author' entries... oh well. Surprise for you on Monday (of course, I am writing this in the belief that you will not be reading this until after monday morning!) Ah the wonders of convoluted thought!

Thoroughly enjoyed your efforts at the nutbush on friday night, btw. I wonder what your non-driniking companion made of it all - perhaps it is better not to.


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