Oh no, not again!

The Rubber Chicken having his revenge was so improbable that he was turned into a bowl of lemons wrapped around a large gold brick. Afterwards, when being interviewed by the Leopard, he was heard to say, "Oh no, not again!"

Monday, November 22, 2004

A friendly tribute.

There exists at least two people who check back to this blog with loyal regularity. It is a genuine pity they cannot know eachother in real life, as I have no doubt they would become the firmest of friends.

Recently, I published and then deleted a post specifically meant for a blogger known as Lilybee. Another blogger, the Lioness had good reason to complain about the detatched nature of this posting. So here I am, making some feeble attempt to fill in a large number of gaps.

I met Lilybee in January of this year, having geographically relocated myself for employment purposes. While we were both mathematically inclined people, it was initially a common interest in Brittish Science Fiction (such as Dr Who - if I remember correctly) that had us engaged in a rather lengthy discussion at the staff barbecue. Very Australian way to start the year, a back yard barbie (not to be confused with the doll, all ye Americans out there!)

Since that time I have grown to know Lilybee much better (it is amazing how reading 400 odd pages of their manuscript can give you some insight into the imaginative workings of a persons mind...) and we have become firm allies in the fight against cruelty to rubber chickens and other novelty toys such as purple unicorns - but (s)he is yet to fall victim to any of Moriaty's cold hearted deeds. While on the topic of Moriaty... his manner has improved enormously of late and while I am well pleased with the changes, I do wonder what has been the cause. Other people are starting to complain of his actions and attitude a bit here and there, so perhaps it has been a mere shift in focus.

But back to Lilybee. After a number of Jiblets kidnapping incidents, anonymous letters began to arrive in support of his silent protest, always signed by a being known as Polymer Poultry. The original letter has been reproduced on this blog, for those who are truly interested.

To cut a very long story short (involving many bluffs and counter bluffs - I love intellectual sparring) it eventually turned out that Lilybee was the human secretary for Poly Poultry. Initially she flat denied it. The very next day an apologetic letter to Vladamir and a gift (as pictured below) appeared. The message was something along the lines of 'if you can find it in yourself to forgive me...' This remark requires a response.

So to the Lilybee: your ego may have been bruised by Poly's unmasking, but your dignity and honour should rightfully remain in tact. Quite simply there is nothing for me to forgive as - for my mind - you have done nothing dishonourable. Granted, perhaps a flat denial was not the best response at the time, but everyone is entitled to make oversights and outright mistakes if they have the courage to admit them. Your actions throughout the year have continually reinforced your position in my mind as a trustworthy individual with a sophisticated sense of humour and an honourable sense of duty. As to the comments made on friday when we had both consumed litre upon litre of fermented grape juice... If we leave the exact details in the past, I should be very greatful to you for the underlying sentiment.

With the kindest of regards, and hoping you enjoy the new keyring, Dear Lilybee.


At November 22, 2004 at 3:39 AM, Blogger Lioness said...

Well, some sense at last. Alright, this is pretty much what we knew/figured already, what I still don't get is what this Moriarty character gets out of this. Is he a bit mad, perhaps? A bit infantile, a bit insecure?

And Beleobus dahling, shape up and start inserting links, you think people will forage the archives looking for the post? No they won't. Pave the way.

At November 24, 2004 at 1:45 PM, Blogger lilybee said...

Tis easy to leave exact details in the past when little can be remembered, and some of that rates high on the cringe factor. And though I regret the circumstances that required ultimate revelation, the game has been rare fun, I would not have liked to have tried to explain the very real deception that would have been required otherwise. A delay to the next day? Possible. Any longer would have really been testing your good will.


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