Oh no, not again!

The Rubber Chicken having his revenge was so improbable that he was turned into a bowl of lemons wrapped around a large gold brick. Afterwards, when being interviewed by the Leopard, he was heard to say, "Oh no, not again!"

Saturday, October 09, 2004

We have a new Enemy...

Jiblets has gone missing again.

Sometime around midday, I believe, although this is a very rough estimate as my day has been a full one. Moriaty (after some investigations) can be shown nowhere near the scene of the crime, nor can Mr Vett.


There can only be one explanation, and it is not a pretty one: We have a new enemy.

I have my suspicions as to the identity of the guilty part in this case, but this actually impedes my progress. Why is it that my enemies always seem to be those senior to me??? Why do none of my fellow grunts feel the need to play such pranks? Are they (wait for it...) satisfied with themselves (GASP) and not feel the need to impose their authority on their junior counterparts. For it is well known that certain, upper-level colleagues are extremely willing to play a prank, but find it very poor humour when the favour is returned.

As for Moriaty... I am pleased to announce that, after initial frustration (and not knowing who had played the stunt) he has come to see the true meaning and a potential truce is in the offing. Of course, that still leaves one enemy, so this blog is set to continue for some time yet.

And if anyone can help me track down Vladamir... please advise, anonymously if you wish.

Thankyou very kindly.


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