Oh no, not again!

The Rubber Chicken having his revenge was so improbable that he was turned into a bowl of lemons wrapped around a large gold brick. Afterwards, when being interviewed by the Leopard, he was heard to say, "Oh no, not again!"

Monday, October 04, 2004

Into the home straight...?

And so it came to pass that the two week 'break' (ha ha ha... Lilybee and the Addict will get the joke) came to a fitting conclusion. In three weeks from now I shall lose thirteen of my students to the pressure cooker of final exams. I wish them all the very best.

Of course, the time is quickly running out for Jiblets to gain his place in the annals of local history with the prank to end all pranks, culminating in the vengeful destruction of Moraity forever (or just having his doctorate revoked... that would be enough.) Of course if this happened, I would have to rub it in every chance I got, always referring to him as MISTER Moriaty. Oh the inherent satisfaction in such an act.

It is a pity my chicken is of the forgiving type.

But bewarned... as I write this post, the imaginative juices (proverbially speaking) have started to flow... Moriaty is in for a surprise soon, all going to plan... we shall just have to wait and see.


At October 4, 2004 at 6:16 AM, Blogger The probligo said...

So, it turns out that the Moriarty is now a Doctor? What does he treat?

In my day the said fiend was a Count. As in Count Jim. Fortunately there was only ever Coutn Jim so it was easy for idiots like me.



One Count Jim. No he is not Chinese, French. Ah so. Un Count Jim? No once he is counted he can not be uncounted, But you said he was French.

Wanders into distance raving and exploring metaphysical properties of European royalties - free to a good home and no income.


At October 4, 2004 at 11:25 AM, Blogger lilybee said...

Well, you are a more incitive person than I, Gungadin. Or maybe it is the stress of being back in the firing line that your clues as to the identity of the Adict or Poly Poultry is way beyond my perception, though I do have my suspects. But then I am also slightly paranoid and so suspect anyone and everyone, especially today. So if you require any assistance in this venture, please feel free to call as I love a little mystery.


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