Oh no, not again!

The Rubber Chicken having his revenge was so improbable that he was turned into a bowl of lemons wrapped around a large gold brick. Afterwards, when being interviewed by the Leopard, he was heard to say, "Oh no, not again!"

Wednesday, October 06, 2004


Dear readers,

Today represents a historic date in the annals or memoirs of Count Vladamir von Jiblets. Although his friend Schnitzel has flown the coop in search of more 'intimate' surroundings (no comment) the inaugural act of revenge against Dr Moriaty has come at last.

You can view the actual prank itself by the photographic evidence provided below. The sign reads Moriaty's 'High' chair, and is a double reference, both of them scathing. Moriaty has recently recieved affirmation of his promotion made at the beggining of the year. Many people took this gag to be a suggestion that he was acting as though he is/was above us in his mind. Personally, it was meant to suggest that his acts of 'borrowing' a rubber chicken from a colleague were perhaps a little childish... hence his being provided with a high chair.

The majority of witnesses seemed to quietly enjoy the spectacle, although two voiced their dissent. Both were unexpected and the logic in one case is so remarkably twisted that you would be forgiven for thinking they were offering encouragement... but no, apparently the 'Do unto others as they do unto you' clause only applies in one direction - upwards; those above may do as they wish to those below, but not the other way around. Oh well, a spectacularly inapropriate and unwelcome intervention in a private joke. The matter has ended.

Now we play the waiting game. Dr Moriaty claims to be exceptionally busy at the moment, however, I am sure there will be retribution against poor Jiblets before too long. At least Moriaty has (hopefully) realised that the imagination of the rubber chicken is a fearsome weapon, capable of serious revenge. Of course, that would require him to realise that this act of revenge was merely a warning shot. I wonder if he will...?

We wait in anticipation.

And to those who suggest I have been overly rash in this act - revenge is a dish best served cold, as the Klingon say. It has been a good six months since Moriaty made his first attack on the liberty of Count Vladamir von Jiblets. The corpse is well cold by now, justice has been served fairly and the chickens are free once more.


At October 5, 2004 at 4:36 PM, Blogger lilybee said...

It is surprising how quietly this has gone. I have seen no sign of the expected regailing of such pranks or am I speaking too soon? Probably. The good professor is notorious for dishing out such pranks of his own but is a lot less tolerant when on the receiving end of such. We will see. I look forward to other chapters with gleeful anticipation, my only regret that circumstances arose that prevented my involvement this time. Ah, the bane of paperwork having to be in at set times.

At October 5, 2004 at 7:17 PM, Blogger Beleobus said...

Indeed, it is quite amazing how quickly people can form opinions and then inflict their mightier than thou superiority complex upon we lesser beings. For anyone who would have the patience, nay, the decency to read this site in entirety would surely realise that this act is not a practical joke but a single, relatively quiet, response to six months of badgering. But of course, harsh words, taking the righteous stance and making sweeping assumptions is far simpler. You have stated your opinion, now please leave us be.

At October 5, 2004 at 8:11 PM, Blogger Beleobus said...

Oh but I have tried...

Immediately after posting my knee-jerk reaction to your comment, I thought it odd that someone who has no posts of their own would read my page. The NS54 part got me for a while, but your favourite book was a help - of sorts.

And as to the camping trip... I do like to know WHERE before agreeing to such a proposition...

At October 5, 2004 at 8:21 PM, Blogger Beleobus said...

Oh and Irene, I believe the word is DENY. Denigh is a good play on words though. If that was your intention, I offer warmest congratulations.

At October 5, 2004 at 8:44 PM, Blogger Beleobus said...

Satisfy my curiosity if you can, Irene Adler... do we know eachother at all, or did you just happen to stumble accross this page in your travels?

Either way, you are more than welcome.

At October 5, 2004 at 8:54 PM, Blogger lilybee said...

Now Mr Bonds chief research mechanic has joined in the happy band of those with nothing better to do on a tuesday night. This is almost degenerating to the realms of a chat room. But on which side of the gender fence do you sit dear Q? With Irene, Lioness, myself and the Addict ( I hope I have not made a wrong assumption there) or with the more fowl members of the fraternity?

At October 5, 2004 at 9:14 PM, Blogger Beleobus said...

Fear not, Dearest Lilybee. Q is but a PhD student I know with a little too much time on his hands it would seem...

And Q... I'm not being serious. One day we should all have a get-together at my place and rid ourselves of this anonymity. Those of you who know where my place is are more than welcome to attend. Overseas visitors, such as the Lioness... well... we do have a spare room, but I somehow doubt you will be able to take up the offer.

At October 7, 2004 at 8:33 AM, Blogger Lioness said...

Sadly, you doubt well. I thoroughly enjoyed Q's brief almost-appearance, though. If you say his name out loud often enough, it's almost a birdy sound. Purty.


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