Oh no, not again!

The Rubber Chicken having his revenge was so improbable that he was turned into a bowl of lemons wrapped around a large gold brick. Afterwards, when being interviewed by the Leopard, he was heard to say, "Oh no, not again!"

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Feels like Friday.

And it certainly feels like a Friday.

Probably because it is.

Of course, unlike the majority of single, mid 20s men who would probably be out on the town with friends and chasing members of the opposite gender as I sit here and bash out sentences that none of them are ever likely to read... ah yes, back in one of those ruts.

Having been away from Dr Moriaty for two weeks, there has been precious little action on the chicken front... Even Le Poulet - the evil, French chicken - has not been seen for quite some time. Although, starting about a month ago, a new (suitably anonymous) player joined the scene: Polymer Poultry I believe they called themselves. Now, although I am usually an excessive ranter (well, I try to stick to what I'm good at... which is not much) during the last 24 hours I have been consumed with thoughts regarding two (for the moment) fictional characters.

One of these characters, who I shall come to shortly calls themselves Polymer (polly) Poultry. The second person actually has posted a few comments on this blog under the title of the Addict. Now, one of the principal reasons for my spending so great an amount of thinking time upon this topic during today is that I briefly held the belief that the two fictional characters could quite possibly be the same person. This would make my task from hereon much simpler - also to be explained shortly (this could be a VERY long post - take a coffee break about now)

Due to the fact that I am NEVER certain about anything in life, I suggest that I am 99% certain I know the Addict. A number of my colleagues are probably under the impression that the two of us severely dislike eachother... nothing could be further from the truth. It is extremely difficult to find an intellectual sparring partner; someone with whom you can have a decent intellectual debate and really get the grey matter working and then five minutes later enjoy a heart-to-heart on separate issues.

I digress. That 1% chance that I have totally botched this whole thinking process has started to creep in... and the one person I would be able to discuss it with just happens to coincide with the 99% chance. Bummer. Looks like I'll have to crack this one on my own.

Let me tell you, dear anonymous reader, of Polymer Poultry...

* Take another coffee break here if required *

Polymer Poultry has so far written two pages simply adressed 'To Rubber Chicken'. To save space in this post I shall create new posts (above) on which to transcribe their contents. You will quickly realise that these writings are the work of an agile mind. By the style of writing, I first thought them to be perhaps a teacher of language... but after mulling over my colleagues with such offerings, I became unsure of this. When the Addict began to post here, I immediately wondered if they were one and the same. My suspicion of this being true is currently sitting at about 80%. Originally it was about 15%, but the more I muse over the writing, the more I realise that someone has put a lot of thought into these gestures and at the same time made a serious effort to remain anonymous (at least for now).

So the two posts above shall be transcripts of the correspondance between PP and von Jiblets.

Now I spoke before about a course of action. I suppose I should give more detail on the off chance that someone is actually reading these posts.

I did try to finish writing this, but such personal matters, especially those I am not entirely sure upon myself, cannot be transposed onto a blog about rubber chickens. I apologise.

More funnies will come soon, I promise you all this much.


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