Oh no, not again!

The Rubber Chicken having his revenge was so improbable that he was turned into a bowl of lemons wrapped around a large gold brick. Afterwards, when being interviewed by the Leopard, he was heard to say, "Oh no, not again!"

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Elections Down Under.

Well it is that time again. We folks here in Australia are once again being called upon to elect a national leader. I currently live in a marginal seat - so for once I need to put some serious thought into who shall recieve my vote. In a day voting changes very little - the government always gets in. I cannot help but wonder if it is time to provide the public with a genuine viable alternative.

You see, even independant candidates are politicians of some kind. What we need is someone - just one will do - to remind the nation that somethings need to be taken seriously, but some other issues are of relatively minor importance. What I guess I am trying to say... the trouble with politics is that politicians seem to have a rather non-existent sense of humour. All that hard work running the country causes great STRESS (do you get my drift yet...)

So I propose a new Candidate. Von Jiblets, Vladamir (Rubber Chicken Party) for the Federal seat of Wherever.

We have but one election platform: to install rubber stress chickens in every bathroom in Parliament house and also beneath the seats in the chamber in case of an emergency. We can even provide over-sized stress chickens for those who carry extra responsibility. Perhaps all government vehicles should also be properly fitted in this manner...?

Well, it would be a memorable campaign!

Let me know what you think, all opinions welcome.


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