Oh no, not again!

The Rubber Chicken having his revenge was so improbable that he was turned into a bowl of lemons wrapped around a large gold brick. Afterwards, when being interviewed by the Leopard, he was heard to say, "Oh no, not again!"

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The River Runs Dry.

Well, as this blog has become more of a rant and rave and vent-your-spleen type of posting site rather than the good natured, good humoured investigative journalism around the fine state of Victoria as was intended, it is time to announce a new development is the Chicken's strategy for revenge.

You see, the enemy is weakening slowly. His creativity has worn extremely thin and there are precious few (probably nobody) that finds the antics of hide-the-chicken amusing any more. Today, again - third time in a week - the chicken was kidnapped. It is a sign of weakening imagination that the chicken travelled a grand total of thirty centimetres this time to its new hiding spot.

Mr Prankster, you have been devoid of that title now. Your powers of imagination have weakened yet your insistence on continuing to take my chicken displays beyond reasonable doubt that you feel threatened by me. I warn you, dear associate, I have allies in the ranks and their number is growing. You may have the seniority, but I have only been your colleague six months. If you start a war, there will be no winner; but I promise you that I will not be a loser, unlike yourself.

The choice is now yours.

Act Wisely.


At August 18, 2004 at 12:30 PM, Blogger the baked turkey said...

"You silly, twisted boy..."

It is now time to discover your first ally... that is right, it is I, THE BAKED TURKEY (question: why am I shouting?). The chicken and the turkey, together again, at last, for the first time. Don't you just love a sequel.

Sit down, drink some wine, you are not alone anymore...

Love and kisses, The Baked Turkey

P.S. I have never met a Maths teacher I could count on.


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